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Keyword search: Andy Sigler

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

Jim Kenyon: Razed right in Norwich
11-05-2023 2:56 AM


In a town with as much wealth as Norwich, it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise that a $700,000 house built in the early 1990s is considered tear-down material.Still, when a caller told me Andy and Peggy Sigler’s former house on Beaver Meadow Road...

Jim Kenyon: Andy Sigler saw success, but also saw the little guy
07-13-2021 9:34 PM


Andy Sigler was a captain of industry who earned millions as the CEO of Champion International, once the largest forest products company in the U.S. that made everything from plywood to copier paper.In 1984, after he stepped in to save a competitor...

Displaying articles 1 to 2 out of 2 total.

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